Wuxia Salutation

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  • Aijia 哀家 : I (referring to the emperor's mother literally "the sad house", indicating grief for the deceased former emperor)


  • bangzhu : chief/ leader of a clan. (Pangcu - Hokkianese)
  • bei 卑 : a self address from a lower class
  • Beizhi 卑職 : I, the humble position (officials addressing their patrons or someone of equal rank)
  • Bengong 本宫 : I (referring as the empress or concubine), when speaking to a person or audience of lower rank or status
  • Benguan 本官 : I, your superior
  • Benhou : I (referring as a duke)
  • Benjiangjun 本將軍 : I (referring as a general)
  • Benshuai 本帥 : I (referring as the commander in chief)
  • Benwang : I (referring as a king)
  • bi 鄙 : a self address, the lowly or less educated
  • bi 敝 : a self address, the unrefined
  • bi 婢 : a self address as your servant (female)
  • Bixia 陛下 : used to address Emperor directly (literally "the one on the throne" or "beneath your ceremonial ramp")
  • bucai 不才 : a self address of scholars (without talent to show modesty)
  • buning 不佞 : a self address of scholars (without talent to show humbleness)
  • buxiao 不肖 : a self address of scholars who does not respect the person


  • caomin 草民 : a self address as the worthless commoner (male)
  • chen 臣 : I, your subject (officials addressing themselves in front of the emperor)
  • cheng : I (referring oneself as an officer)
  • chengxiang : address to the prime minister/grand vizier
  • Chenqie 臣妾 : I, your royal concubine (even used by the empress)


  • da-dangjia : chief of brigand
  • dage :"big brother" is the literal translation, a means of respect to someone older (Toako - Hokkianese)
  • daozhang :"taoist chief/senior", an address to taoist priests
  • da-ren : to court/imperial officials (Tayjin -Hokkianese)
  • dashi : literally "great teacher", an address to monks (Taysu - Hokkianese)
  • daxia : great hero (dai hup - Cantonese. Tayhiap-Hokkianese)
  • Dianxia 殿下 : for members of the Imperial Court family (literally "beneath your palace")
  • Die : Father (informal)


  • e'mo : demon
  • enren : savior or benefactor (referring to someone he or she indebted)
  • enshi : benevolent master
  • Erchen 兒臣 : I, your son (referring to official or subject)


  • Fa Wang : Imperial Priest
  • fujun 夫君 : you, my husband
  • Fuqin : Father (formal)
  • furen 夫人 : you, my wife or Mrs.
  • Fu Wang : Father King
  • Fu Huang : Father Emperor


  • gongzi : young master
  • gongzu : princess (Kongcu - Hokkianese)
  • Gu 孤 : I, the ruler of a kingdom (lit. "alone" or "orphan") - refers to the fact that a hereditary king or emperor must by definition be an orphan
  • Gua 寡 : I, the ruler of a kingdom
  • Guaren 寡人 : I, the ruler of kingdom, refers to the fact that a hereditary king or emperor must by definition be an orphan
  • Guanren : government official
  • guniang 姑娘 : miss (Gu Leung - Cantonese. Kouwnio - Hokkianese)


  • hanshe 寒舍 : my poor home or residence
  • Houye : My duke
  • huangshang : "your majesty" - for emperors
  • huixia 麾下 : referring to generals (literally "beneath your flag")


  • jia~ 家~ : prefix for living elder family members
  • jianmei 賤内 : address to someone who is worthless
  • jiangjun 将军: general (Ciangkun - Hokkianese)
  • jianren : scum, usually directed at women despised by speaker (e.g. whores, licentious women)
  • jiaozhu : address to cult/religious leader
  • jiexia 節下 : referring to ambassadors (literally "beneath your ceremonial banner")
  • Jueye 爵爺 : address to noble lord, dukes, marquesses, earls, viscounts and barons


  • Keguan : Guest (a motel / restaurant guest)


  • Lao~ 老~ : prefix for old
  • lao yingxiong : venerable hero is how i'd translate it (lo enghiong - Hokkianese)
  • laobo : address to elderly gentleman
  • laofu 老夫 : I - It basically means "old man" and respected. Pronounced by an older man to call himself. (Lohu - Hokkianese)
  • laohan 老漢 : self address as an old man
  • laona 老衲 : I - addressed by old monk to call himself (lolap - Hokkianese)
  • laoshen 老身 : self address for a lady (literary means "this old body")
  • laoshi 老师 : teacher
  • laoxiong : old friend
  • laoxiu 老朽 : self address as old and unable
  • laoye : old master (loya -Hokkianese)
  • laoyao : old devil
  • laozhuo 老拙 : self address as old and clumsy
  • Linglang :Your son
  • Lingtang :Your mother
  • Lingzun :Your father
  • Long~ 龍~ : prefix which literally "dragon"
  • Longti 龍體 : Emperor's body or health (literally "dragon's body")
  • Long'en : Emperor's graciousness
  • Longyan 龍顏 : Emperor's face or mood (literally "dragon's face")


  • meizi : beloved younger sister, intimate way
  • (Surname)-mo : I (referring oneself as unworthy)
  • minnu 民女 : a self address as the worthless commoner (female)
  • Mojiang 末將 : I (referring as an unworthy general)
  • moguan 末官 : I (referring as a lesser official)
  • mowang : leader of evil sects/clans/alliances
  • Muqin : Mother (formal)


  • nei~ 内~ : prefix for referring to one's wife
  • Niang : Mother (informal)
  • Niang-niang : Madame or Empress
  • Nizi : Rebellious son
  • nubi 奴婢 : a self address referring oneself as a slave (female)
  • nucai 奴才 : a self address referring oneself as a slave (male)
  • nujia 奴家 : a self address referring oneself as wife and servant
  • nushi 女士 : madam
  • nuxia : female heroes (lihiap - Hokkianese)


  • pindao/ 贫道 : I- literally means: "poor Taoist/Priestess". This is the pronoun which is often used by Taoists and Priestesses in place of I to show their modest attitude, etc.
  • pinni 贫尼 : I- literally means: "poor nun". This is the pronoun which is often used by nuns (Buddhist) in place of I to show their modest attitude, etc.
  • pinseng/ 贫僧 : I- literally means: "poor monk". This is the pronoun which is often used by monks (Buddhist) in place of I to show their modest attitude, etc.(pinceng - Hokkianese)
  • pu 僕 : a self address as your servant (male)


  • qianbei : Senior (Cianpwee - Hokkianese)
  • qie 妾 : a self address as your concubine
  • qing 卿 : address to officials by the royal family (literally "official")
  • qingjia : how the emperor addresses his ministers/officials
  • quanzi 犬子 : my son who is comparable to a puppy


  • rengong 仁公 : esteemed lord
  • renxiong 仁兄 : esteemed older brother


  • Shangren : venerable Buddhist monk
  • Shaoxia 少侠 : for the young, up-and-coming heroes ( See: xiaoxia)
  • shaoye : young master (Siaoya -Hokkianese)
  • she~ 舍~ : prefix for younger family members
  • Sheng~ 聖~ : prefix for the holy or sacred
  • Shengjia 聖駕 : address to Empress as holy procession
  • Shengshang 聖上 : address to Emperor as holy up high
  • shibo : elder martial uncle (applies to males & females)
  • shidi : martial art younger brother (Si Hing - Cantonese. Sute -Hokkianese)
  • Shifu 師父 : martial teacher (applies to males or females) (Sifu - Cantonese, Suhu- Hokkianese)
  • shige : martial art older brother. (Si Gor - Cantonese , Suko - Hokkianese)
  • shigong : martial grandfather
  • shijie : martial art older sister (Suci -Hokkianese)
  • shimei : martial art younger sister (Si Mui - Cantonese. Sumoay -Hokkianese)
  • shimu : wife of martial teacher.
  • shiniang : martial teacher who is also the wife of a martial teacher
  • shishu : younger martial uncle (applies to males & females) (Susiok -Hokkianese)
  • shitai : main teacher (if it's a woman, e.g. in Emei) – Sutay -Hokkianese
  • shixiong : elder martial brother (interchangeable with shige) (Suheng -Hokkianese)
  • shizu : martial ancestor/grandfather (Sucouw -Hokkianese)


  • Tianzi 天子 : the son of heaven (when referring to the Emperor in a third person)
  • tu'er : disciple (male)


  • wanbei 晚輩 : a self address of scholars who belong to a younger generation (therefore lower/humbler)
  • Wangye 王爺 : My king, your royal highness (can also be addressed to prince)
  • wansheng 晚生 : a self address of scholars
  • wanxue 晚學 : a self address of scholars who studied later
  • weichen : your humble servant (when correspond to the emperor)
  • wanbei 晚辈 : self address of junior/younger people to older people (Boanpwee -Hokkianese)
  • Wansui 萬歲 : address to Emperor as ten-thousand years. "Years" here refers specifically to "years of age"
  • Wansuiye 萬歲爺 : address to Emperor as the lord of ten-thousand years


  • xiaguan 下官 : I, the low official (officials addressing themselves in front of a superior official)
  • xian~ 先~ : prefix for deceased elder family members
  • xiandi 賢棣 : worthy younger brother
  • xianggong 相公 : honorable master
  • xiansheng 先生 : mister
  • xianzhi 賢侄 : worthy nephew
  • xiao~ 小~ : prefix for small or little
  • xiaodi : younger brother. A self address from junior to elder martial brother/sister
  • xiao'er : waiter
  • xiaoer 小兒 : my little son
  • xiaojie 小姐 : miss (Siocia -Hokkianese)
  • xiaoli 小吏 : I, the small scribe/official
  • xiaonu 小女 : a self address, the insignificant (usually female) or my little daughter
  • xiaoren 小人 : a self address (little), the insignificant (usually male)
  • xiaosheng 小生: a self address of scholars who just started
  • xiaoxia : for the young, up-and-coming heroes (Siu Jie - Cantonese. Siaohiap -Hokkianese)
  • xiaoye : young master
  • xiejiao (sp?) or xiepai : evil cult/school
  • xiongdi : brother(s) (hengte -Hokkianese)
  • (Surname)-xiong suffix = Brother (surname). Example: Yang-xiong = brother Yang


  • yanfu : referring to licentious women/wives
  • yaoguai/moguai : strange/monsterous demon
  • yaojing : evil spirit, demon; temptress
  • yingxiong : hero
  • yu 愚 : a self address, the unintelligent
  • yu~ 愚~ : prefix for referring to one's self and one's family member


  • zaixia 在下 : a self address denotes humbler and lower than you
  • zhaizhu : chief
  • zhangmen :"chief", an address to leaders of martial schools/sects
  • Zhen 朕 : I (only for the Emperor, exclusively used by emperors from the Qin Dynasty onward)
  • zhenren : reference (usually) to Taoist leader/senior
  • zhuangzhu : Village chief
  • zhuofu 拙夫 : my husband who is inferior
  • zhuojing 拙荆 : my wife who is inferior